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Trust and Respect
1 of 1 - GROUNDING: Introduction
1 of 6 - MEETING: Personal Space
2 of 6 - MEETING: Contact
3 of 6 - MEETING: Introduction
4 of 6 - MEETING: First Approach
5 of 6 - MEETING: Contact
6 of 6 - MEETING: Personal Space
1 of 6 - CATCHING: Introduction
2 of 6 - CATCHING: Introduction
3 of 6 - CATCHING: Catching the Eyes
4 of 6 - CATCHING: Forward and Follow
5 of 6 - Catching
6 of 6 - CATCHING: The Catching Process
Basic Leading
1 of 5 - BASIC LEADING: Introduction
2 of 5 - Leading
3 of 5 - BASIC LEADING: Keeping Out
4 of 5 - BASIC LEADING: Following the Hand
5 of 5 - BASIC LEADING; Adding Pace
Leading with a whip
1 of 9 - Introduction and horse eye view
2 of 9 - Leading along a fence
3 of 9 - Touching an object
4 of 9 - Leading past a spooky object
5 of 9 - Speeding up and down
6 of 9 - Leaving the fence
7 of 9 - LEADING WITH A WHIP: Lateral movement using a fence
8 of 9 - LEADING WITH A WHIP: Lateral movement off the Fence
9 of 9 - LEADING WITH A WHIP: Moving the Shoulders
1 of 4 - DESENSITISATION: Introduction
2 of 4 - DESENSITISATION: Dealing with Flight
3 of 4 - DESENSITISATION: Curiosity and Contact
4 of 4 - DESENSITISATION: Different Objects
Leg handling
1 of 12 - Leg handling video bundle: Introduction to leg handling
2 of 12 - Leg handling video bundle: Leg handling overview
3 of 12 - Leg handling video bundle: Desensitising legs
4 of 12 - Leg handling video bundle: Shifting weight
5 of 12 - Leg handling video bundle: Lift and rub
6 of 12 - Leg handling video bundle: Farrier positions
7 of 12 - LEG HANDLING: Introduction
8 of 12 - LEG HANDLING: Leg Handling Overview
9 of 12 - LEG HANDLING: Desensitising Legs
10 of 12 - LEG HANDLING: Shifting Weight
11 of 12 - LEG HANDLING: Lift and Rub
12 of 12 - LEG HANDLING: Farrier Positions
Tying up
1 of 5 - TYING UP: Introduction
2 of 5 - TYING UP: Testing the Tie
3 of 5 - TYING UP: Moving Over
4 of 5 - TYING UP: Working Above the Eye Line
5 of 5 - TYING UP: Standing Still
Preparing to Ride
Suppling Exercises
2 of 4 - SUPPLING EXERCISES: Lowering the Head
3 of 4 - SUPPLING EXERCISES: Flex and Move
4 of 4 - SUPPLING EXERCISES: Backwards from Halter
Lunging for Control
1 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Introduction
2 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Hind End Control
3 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Parking
4 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Guide and Drive
5 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Starting a lunge circle
6 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Stop on the lunge
7 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Changing direction on the lunge
8 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Lateral movement using the fence
9 of 9 - LUNGING FOR CONTROL: Lateral movement off the Fence
Long-Reining Preparation
1 of 8 - LONG REINING PREPARATION: Introduction
2 of 8 - LONG REINING PREPARATION: Introducing the Roller
4 of 8 - LONG REINING PREPARATION: Desensitising to Ropes
5 of 8 - LONG REINING PREPARATION: Contact with Bit
6 of 8 - LONG REINING PREPARATION: Leading / Lunging with Bridle Rope
7 of 8 - LONG REINING PREPARATION: Flex and Move with Bridle
Long-Reining for Riding
1 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: Introduction
2 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: Moving Off
3 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: Forward and Around
4 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: Backwards from Bridle
5 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: Long Reining Transitions
6 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: Shoulder Turns
7 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: Desensitising from Behind
8 of 9 - LONG REINING FOR RIDING: In the Open
9 of 9 - An example with a 3yo horse
Introducing Ridden Work
1 of 13 - BASIC RIDDEN: Mounting Blocks
2 of 13 - MOUNTING: Introduction
3 of 13 - Stand by the block - the cheat's version
4 of 13 - MOUNTING: Introduction
5 of 13 - MOUNTING: Saddle and Move
6 of 13 - MOUNTING: Lunging / Long Reining Pattern
7 of 13 - MOUNTING: Lead Ponying
8 of 13 - MOUNTING: Checking for Tension
9 of 13 - MOUNTING: Mounting
10 of 13 - Stand by the block - increase desire
11 of 13 - Stand by the block - the clock exercise
12 of 13 - Stand by the block - controlling the hip
13 of 13 - How to mount safely
Introducing Movement
1 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: Introduction
2 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: Hind End Start
3 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: Establishing Forwards
4 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: One Rein Stop
5 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: One Rein Turn
6 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: Basic Transitions
7 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: Introducing Backwards
8 of 8 - INTRODUCING MOVEMENT: First Few Rides Example
Introduction to the Arena
1 of 4 - INTRODUCING TO THE ARENA: Practical Groundwork
4 of 4 - Examples of a first ride in the arena
Out and About
1 of 6 - OUT AND ABOUT: Introduction
2 of 6 - Rider positions
3 of 6 - OUT AND ABOUT: Ridden Desensitisation
4 of 6 - OUT AND ABOUT: Patience
5 of 6 - OUT AND ABOUT: Gates
6 of 6 - OUT AND ABOUT: Riding Out
1 of 3 - FORWARDS: Introduction
2 of 3 - FORWARDS: Speed Control
3 of 3 - FORWARDS: Changing Gears
Fundamentals of Ridden Work
Ridden Flexions
1 of 6 - RIDDEN FLEXIONS: Introduction
2 of 6 - RIDDEN FLEXIONS: Forward and Follow
3 of 6 - RIDDEN FLEXIONS: Outside Flexion
4 of 6 - RIDDEN FLEXIONS: Inside Flexion
5 of 6 - RIDDEN FLEXIONS: Vertical Flexion
6 of 6 - RIDDEN FLEXIONS: Flexions and Transitions
1 of 5 - BACKWARDS: Introduction
2 of 5 - BACKWARDS: Hind End Back Up
3 of 5 - BACKWARDS: Straight Back
4 of 5 - BACKWARDS: Back and Around
5 of 5 - Hind End and Back
Moving Shoulders
1 of 6 - MOVING SHOULDERS: Introduction
2 of 6 - MOVING SHOULDERS: Zig Zag
3 of 6 - MOVING SHOULDERS: Roll Back
4 of 6 - MOVING SHOULDERS: Bouncing
5 of 6 - MOVING SHOULDERS: Spiral
6 of 6 - MOVING SHOULDERS: Haunch Turn
Stopping Corrently
1 of 4 - STOPPING CORRECTLY: Introduction
2 of 4 - STOPPING CORRECTLY: Hind End Backing
3 of 4 - STOPPING CORRECTLY: Using Turns
4 of 4 - STOPPING CORRECTLY: Stopping Straight
Lateral Yielding
1 of 4 - LATERAL YIELDING: Introduction
2 of 4 - LATERAL YIELDING: Using the Fence
3 of 4 - LATERAL YIELDING: Yield on a Circle
4 of 4 - LATERAL YIELDING: Yielding on a Straight Line
Encouraging Good Balance
1 of 4 - GOOD BALANCE: Introduction
2 of 4 - GOOD BALANCE: Follow the Contact
3 of 4 - GOOD BALANCE: Straightness
4 of 4 - GOOD BALANCE: Forward and Through
1 of 4 - MAINTENANCE: Introduction
2 of 4 - MAINTENANCE: Softness Check
3 of 4 - MAINTENANCE: Different Environments
4 of 4 - MAINTENANCE: Final Thoughts
Advancing Groundwork
1 of 10 - Close contact lunging
2 of 10 - Catching and draw
3 of 10 - Draw and follow
4 of 10 - Starting circles
5 of 10 - Finding a mark
6 of 10 - Training to load at liberty
7 of 10 - Tips to advance liberty on the ground
8 of 10 - GROUNDWORK: Lunging Turns
9 of 10 - GROUNDWORK: The Lunging Walk
10 of 10 - GROUNDWORK: Jumping on the Lunge
Advancing Ridden Work - Road to Competition
1 of 9 - Improving flatwork out of the arena
2 of 9 - Starting bridleless riding
3 of 9 - Strength and conditioning polework exercises
4 of 9 - Starting jumping
5 of 9 - Shortening and lengthening strides
6 of 9 - Introducing your horse to the warm up arena
7 of 9 - Introduciton to trec - orienteering phase
8 of 9 - trec - orienteering phase
9 of 9 - trec - obstacles phase
Problem Solving Library
Handling on the yard
1 of 5 - Nipping
2 of 5 - Grooming a Sensitive Horse
3 of 5 - Fidgeting When Tied
4 of 5 - Hosing
5 of 5 - Catching in a field
Personal Space
1 of 3 - Leading Issues; Impatience being led
2 of 3 - Leading Issues; Changes of direction with a bargy horse
3 of 3 - Leading Issues: Leading an excited or young horse in a new environment
1 of 5 - Preparing your horse for clipping
2 of 5 - A pony sensitive to clipping part 1
3 of 5 - A pony sensitive to clipping part 2
4 of 5 - A pony sensitive to clipping part 3
5 of 5 - Clipping a cob that has leg mites
1 of 4 - Horse Won't Lunge One Way
2 of 4 - Lunging a nervous horse
3 of 4 - Lunging a horse that stops and faces you
4 of 4 - Developing lunging cues
Loading, unloading and travelling
1 of 10 - Loading - Preparation Work
2 of 10 - Loading - Introducing the Trailer
3 of 10 - Groundwork for successful loading and unloading
4 of 10 - Six steps for loading, travelling and unloading
5 of 10 - Loading two horses for the first time
6 of 10 - Loading a foal for the first time
7 of 10 - Loading a horse that plants and spins on the ramp
8 of 10 - Loading a pony that takes off with the handler
9 of 10 - Preventing a horse rushing off the trailer
10 of 10 - Loading and Traveling Anxious Horses
Foal handling
Lack of forward
1 of 2 - Napping / Rearing
2 of 2 - Napping / Leaving the Yard
Spooking and obstacles
1 of 2 - Refusing / Jumping Ditches
2 of 2 - Exercises to Desensitise a Spooky horse
1 of 4 - Traffic Shyness
2 of 4 - Rushing a Gate
3 of 4 - Patience Out and About
4 of 4 - ADVANCED RIDDEN: Opening / Closing a Gate
Excitability and anxiety
1 of 6 - 'Explosive' Horse - Part 1 (Groundwork)
2 of 6 - 'Explosive' Horse - Part 2 (Groundwork)
3 of 6 - 'Explosive' Horse - Part 3 (Ridden)
4 of 6 - Controlling Bucking
5 of 6 - BUCKING: Lunging as preparation to ride
6 of 6 - Controlling flight by using a One Rein Stop
Issues with contact
1 of 2 - Head Tossing
2 of 2 - 'Blocks' in Collected Work
Competition Environment
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