My horse pulls back when he’s tied up!
Do you have problems tying your horse up? Is your horse unsettled when tied up? At a recent clinic, one rider unloaded her horse and tied him to the side …
Do you have problems tying your horse up? Is your horse unsettled when tied up? At a recent clinic, one rider unloaded her horse and tied him to the side …
I regularly travel out to work with reluctant loaders. There are many reasons a horse won’t load into a trailer or horse box. Some horses may not have been loaded …
6 Steps to Loading and Settling a Horse on a Box Read More »
There are two forms of resistances in horses, and they require the handler to adapt their training accordingly.
Like any horse and rider partnership at the top of their game, great liberty trainers look totally “at one” with their horses, and it can be incredibly inspiring! For me, liberty …
I am often asked about separation anxiety, or attachment, and how to combat it. Horses are naturally social animals, and crave that interaction with other horses. However, this becomes a …
If the weather forecasters are right, we’re in for a cold winter, with lots of snow! Unless you are blessed with an indoor school, this can mean difficulties trying to …
The lead up to Fireworks Night can be very stressful on animal owners as they worry about how their animals will react to the loud bangs and lights in the …
Now, this video may be a bit of fun, but it actually has some serious training behind it! I have had JJ for quite a while now and I am …
Desensitising and Making a Movie Star out of JJ! Read More »
Jason explains how to gain your horses attention….and keep it! I recently helped a client with her horse who had the equine equivalent of Attention Deficit Disorder! The challenges she …
Jason Webb works with riders and handlers of all levels who have had a loss of confidence. It is nothing to be ashamed of and can affect anyone at any …